List of Famous people with last name Hine

Rupert Hine

First Name Rupert
Last Name Hine
Born on September 21, 1947
Died on June 4, 2020 (aged 72)

Rupert Neville Hine was an English musician, songwriter and record producer. He produced albums for artists including Rush, Kevin Ayers, Tina Turner, Howard Jones, Saga, The Fixx, Bob Geldof, Thompson Twins, Stevie Nicks, Chris de Burgh, Suzanne Vega, Underworld, Duncan Sheik, Formula and Eleanor McEvoy. He also recorded eleven albums, including those billed under his own name, the pseudo-band name Thinkman, and as a member of the band Quantum Jump.

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John Hine

First Name John
Last Name Hine
Born on July 26, 1938 (age 86)

John Hine is a Roman Catholic bishop in England. He was an auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Southwark, and he holds the titular see of Beverley.

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