List of Famous people with last name Hasselmans

Alphonse Hasselmans

First Name Alphonse
Last Name Hasselmans
Born on March 5, 1845
Died on May 19, 1912 (aged 67)
Born in Belgium, Wallonia

Alphonse Hasselmans was a Belgium-born French harpist, composer, and pedagogue.

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Marguerite Hasselmans

First Name Marguerite
Last Name Hasselmans
Born on May 29, 1876
Died on November 30, 1946 (aged 70)
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Louis Hasselmans

First Name Louis
Last Name Hasselmans
Born on July 25, 1878
Died on December 27, 1957 (aged 79)

Louis Hasselmans was a French cellist and conductor.

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Don't know him/her
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