List of Famous people with last name Hasselmann

Klaus Hasselmann

First Name Klaus
Last Name Hasselmann
Born on October 25, 1931 (age 92)
Born in Germany

Klaus Ferdinand Hasselmann is a leading German oceanographer and climate modeller. He is Professor Emeritus at the University of Hamburg and former Director of the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology. He was awarded the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics jointly with Syukuro Manabe and Giorgio Parisi.

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Britta Haßelmann

First Name Britta
Born on December 10, 1961 (age 62)

Britta Haßelmann is a German politician of Alliance 90/The Greens. She has been a member of the Bundestag since 2005 and first manager of the Green parliamentary group since 2013.

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Joice Hasselmann

Joice Cristina Bejuska
First Name Joice
Last Name Hasselmann
Born on January 29, 1978 (age 46)
Born in Brazil, Paraná

Joice Cristina Hasselmann is a Brazilian politician, journalist, writer, activist and political commentator.

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