List of Famous people with last name Hallyday

Johnny Hallyday

Jean-Philippe Léo Smet
First Name Johnny
Born on June 15, 1943
Died on December 6, 2017 (aged 74)

Jean-Philippe Léo Smet, better known by his stage name Johnny Hallyday, was a French rock and roll and pop singer and actor, credited for having brought rock and roll to France.

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David Hallyday

First Name David
Last Name Hallyday
Born on August 14, 1966 (age 58)

David Hallyday is a French singer, songwriter and amateur sports car racer.

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Laeticia Smet

Laetitia Boudou
First Name Laeticia
Born on March 18, 1975 (age 49)
Born in France, Occitania
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