List of Famous people with last name Hafeez

Mohammad Hafeez

First Name Mohammad
Last Name Hafeez
Born on October 17, 1980 (age 43)
Born in Pakistan, Punjab

Mohammad Hafeez is a Pakistani international cricketer. Hafeez is a versatile batsman who can play anywhere in the top 6 and forms part of the bowling attack. He once used to be widely regarded as one of the best white-ball all-rounders in the world, having been ranked as the top all-rounder by the ICC Player Rankings in the limited overs formats on a few occasions. He is known for his intelligent batting but also for aggressive shot plays when needed. He retired from Test Cricket in December 2018, departing the ground for the final time in white clothing to a guard of honour from his teammates.

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Junaid Hafeez

First Name Junaid

Junaid Hafeez is a Pakistani university lecturer and graduate student who was convicted of blasphemy under Pakistan's broad blasphemy laws and sentenced to death. Arrested in 2013, Hafeez was accused of making derogatory comments about the prophet of Islam, Mohammed on social media. Held in solitary confinement since 2014, his trial was repeatedly delayed, and Hafeez's first lawyer, Rashid Rehman, was murdered. In December 2019, Hafeez was convicted and sentenced to death by a Pakistani court. His detention and arrest have been condemned by human rights groups.

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Sayed Abdel Hafeez

First Name Sayed
Last Name Hafeez
Born on October 27, 1977 (age 46)

Sayed Abdel Hafeez is an Egyptian former footballer. Sayed played as a right midfielder for Egypt's Al Ahly as well as the Egypt national team. After his retirement, he became Al Ahly's director of football. He was reappointed to the role in November 2018.

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