List of Famous people with last name Gronkowski

Rob Gronkowski

Robert James Gronkowski, nicknamed "Gronk", is an American football tight end for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers of the National Football League (NFL). He previously played nine seasons for the New England Patriots. He is a three-time Super Bowl champion, a five-time Pro Bowl selection, and a four-time First Team All-Pro selection, and was selected in the NFL 2010s All-Decade Team and NFL 100th Anniversary All-Time Team.

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Dan Gronkowski

Daniel Thomas Gronkowski is an American former football tight end. He was drafted by the Detroit Lions in the seventh round of the 2009 NFL Draft, after playing college football at Maryland. He also played for the Denver Broncos (2010), New England Patriots (2011) and Cleveland Browns (2011–2012).

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Glenn Gronkowski

Glenn Thomas Gronkowski is a former American football fullback. He played college football at Kansas State. After going undrafted in the 2016 NFL draft, Gronkowski was signed by the Buffalo Bills, and was in the practice squad of the New England Patriots from 2016 until he was released in 2017.

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Chris Gronkowski

Christopher Michael Gronkowski is a former American Football fullback. He went undrafted in the 2010 NFL Draft after playing college football at the University of Arizona. He was eventually signed by the Dallas Cowboys (2010), Indianapolis Colts (2011), and the Denver Broncos (2012).

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