List of Famous people with last name Gronblom

Rabbe Grönblom

First Name Rabbe
Last Name Grönblom
Born on May 3, 1950
Died on June 29, 2015 (aged 65)
Born in Finland, Uusimaa

Rabbe Anders Grönblom was a Finnish-Swedish businessman who started a successful pizza business in Vaasa, Finland. His first company—a pizzeria—was called O sole mio and it was founded in 1976 in the center of Vaasa. From there he expanded to a pizza franchise chain first called Pizzeria N:o 1. He was known as the "Pizza-emperor", because he was the founder of a well known pizza franchise chain called Kotipizza which was the new name of Pizzeria N:o 1 which expanded fast outside of Vaasa. The chain is said to be the biggest one in the Nordic countries. He was also the founder of a shipping company called RG Line, a hotel chain called Omenahotelli and another pizza chain called Golden Rax Pizzabuffet. Most of his companies are subsidiaries of Grönblom International LTD, where Rabbe Grönblom acted as director. Golden Rax Pizzabuffet however is nowadays a part of Finland's largest hotel & restaurant company Restel Oy Ltd, where Rabbe Grönblom sat on the board. He was also on the board of the Finnish tyre company Nokian Renkaat.

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