List of Famous people with last name Gowers

Timothy Gowers

First Name Timothy
Last Name Gowers
Born on November 20, 1963 (age 60)

Sir William Timothy Gowers, is a British mathematician. He is Professeur titulaire of the Combinatorics chair at the Collège de France, and Director of Research at the University of Cambridge and Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. In 1998, he received the Fields Medal for research connecting the fields of functional analysis and combinatorics.

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Dr. William Patrick Gowers

First Name Dr.
Born on May 5, 1936 (age 88)
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Ann Elizabeth Mary Gowers

First Name Ann
Last Name Gowers
Born on October 25, 1938 (age 85)
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Gillian Gowers

First Name Gillian
Last Name Gowers
Born on April 9, 1964 (age 60)
Height 157 cm | 5'2

Gillian Gowers is a retired female badminton player from England.

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