List of Famous people with last name Godber

Peter Fitzroy Godber

First Name Peter
Last Name Godber
Born on April 7, 1922 (age 102)

Peter Fitzroy Godber was a Chief Superintendent of the Royal Hong Kong Police Force, serving as Deputy District Commander of Kowloon, Hong Kong. Embroiled in a bribery scandal shortly before his retirement in 1973, he fled to the United Kingdom. He was apprehended in 1974 by British police and extradited back to Hong Kong and subsequently convicted for police corruption and bribery. Godber was sentenced to four years in prison with HK$25,000 in restitution.

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Victoria J. Godber

First Name Victoria
Last Name Godber
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Joseph Godber

First Name Joseph
Last Name Godber
Born on March 17, 1914
Died on August 25, 1980 (aged 66)

Joseph Bradshaw Godber, Baron Godber of Willington, was a British Conservative Party politician and cabinet minister.

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Richard Godber

First Name Richard
Last Name Godber
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Don't know him/her
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