List of Famous people with last name Gillan

Karen Gillan

Karen Sheila Gillan
First Name Karen
Last Name Gillan
Born on November 28, 1987 (age 37)
Height 178 cm | 5'10

Karen Sheila Gillan is a Scottish actress and filmmaker. She first began acting with guest roles on television, before having her breakthrough for portraying Amy Pond, a primary companion to the Eleventh Doctor, in the BBC One series Doctor Who (2010–2013), for which she received critical acclaim, and she received several awards and nominations. Gillan's early film roles include the horror film Outcast (2010) and the romantic comedy film Not Another Happy Ending (2013).

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Ian Gillan

First Name Ian
Last Name Gillan
Born on August 19, 1945 (age 79)

Ian Gillan is an English singer and songwriter. He is the lead singer and lyricist for the rock band Deep Purple and is known for his powerful and wide-ranging singing voice, in particular his high pitched banshee screams.

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Cheryl Gillan

Cheryl Elise Kendall Gillan
First Name Cheryl
Last Name Gillan
Born on April 21, 1952
Died on April 4, 2021 (aged 68)

Dame Cheryl Elise Kendall Gillan is a British Conservative Party politician and the Member of Parliament (MP) for the constituency of Chesham and Amersham in Buckinghamshire. She was the Secretary of State for Wales from 2010 to 2012.

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Lisa Roberts Gillan

First Name Lisa
Last Name Gillan
Born on January 1, 1965 (age 60)
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