List of Famous people with last name Giffard

Louisa Giffard

First Name Louisa
Born on February 28, 1807
Died on December 10, 1879 (aged 72)
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Stanley Lees Giffard

First Name Stanley
Last Name Giffard
Born on January 1, 1788
Died on November 1, 1858 (aged 70)

Stanley Lees Giffard was founder and first editor of a London newspaper, The Standard.

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John Giffard

First Name John
Last Name Giffard
Died on January 1, 1622
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Ursula Giffard

First Name Ursula
Last Name Giffard
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John Giffard

First Name John
Last Name Giffard
Born on February 14, 1746
Died on April 30, 1827 (aged 81)
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Sophia Elizabeth Giffard

First Name Sophia
Last Name Giffard
Died on January 13, 1880
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Arthur Giffard

First Name Arthur
Last Name Giffard
Born on November 30, 1579
Died on January 1, 1616 (aged 36)
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Myllecent Giffard

First Name Myllecent
Born on November 30, 1536
Died on November 30, 1570 (aged 34)
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John Giffard

First Name John
Last Name Giffard
Born on January 1, 1602
Died on January 1, 1665 (aged 63)

Colonel John Giffard (1602–1665), of Brightley in the parish of Chittlehampton, Devon, England, was a Royalist leader during the Civil War. Giffard commanded the Devon Pikemen at the Battle of Lansdowne in 1634, in which his 3rd cousin the Royalist commander of the Cornish forces Sir Bevil Grenville (1596-1643) was killed in heroic circumstances. Giffard's loyalty to the Royalist cause led to him being proposed in 1660 as a knight of the intended Order of the Royal Oak. He was personally known to the biographer John Prince (1643–1723) who included him as one of his Worthies of Devon. He was buried in Chittlehampton Church, where his small kneeling effigy survives on the base of the monument he erected in 1625 to his grandfather.

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Selina Anne Giffard

First Name Selina
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