List of Famous people with last name Gesualdo

Carlo Gesualdo

First Name Carlo
Last Name Gesualdo
Died on September 8, 1613
Born in Italy, Basilicata

Carlo Gesualdo da Venosa was Prince of Venosa and Count of Conza. As a composer he is known for writing intensely expressive madrigals and pieces of sacred music that use a chromatic language not heard again until the late 19th century. The best known fact of his life is his gruesome killing of his first wife and her aristocratic lover upon finding them in flagrante delicto. The fascination for his extraordinary music and for his shocking acts have gone hand in hand.

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Alfonso Gesualdo

First Name Alfonso
Last Name Gesualdo
Born on October 20, 1540
Died on February 14, 1603 (aged 62)
Born in Italy, Campania

Alfonso Gesualdo di Conza was an Italian Cardinal starting in 1561. He was from Naples. His attendance at the papal conclave of 1565-1566 at the age of only 25 makes him one of the youngest Cardinals ever to participate in a papal election.

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Guillaume de Gesualdo

First Name Guillaume
Last Name Gesualdo
Born on November 30, 1049 (age 974)
Born in Italy
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