List of Famous people with last name Gelinas

Isabelle Gélinas

First Name Isabelle
Last Name Gélinas
Born on October 13, 1963 (age 61)
Born in Canada, Quebec

Isabelle Gélinas is a French-Canadian actress.

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Éveline Gélinas

First Name Éveline
Born on November 30, 1973 (age 51)
Born in Canada, Quebec

Éveline Gélinas is a French-speaking Canadian actress who grew up in Saint-Boniface, Quebec, near Shawinigan.

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Gratien Gélinas

First Name Gratien
Born on December 8, 1909
Died on March 16, 1999 (aged 89)
Born in Canada, Quebec

Gratien Gélinas, was a Canadian author, playwright, actor, director, producer and administrator who is considered one of the founders of modern Canadian theatre and film.

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Pascal Gélinas

First Name Pascal
Last Name Gélinas
Born on April 12, 1946 (age 78)
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Abeille Gélinas

Abeille Violaine Myriam Éloïse Gélinas
First Name Abeille
Last Name Gélinas

Abeille Gélinas, also known as DJ Abeille, is a Canadian DJ, entertainer and actress.

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