List of Famous people with last name Garfield

Andrew Garfield

First Name Andrew
Last Name Garfield
Born on August 20, 1983 (age 41)
Height 179 cm | 5'10

Andrew Russell Garfield is an American-British actor. An alumnus of the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, he is the recipient of numerous accolades, including a Tony Award, and has been nominated for Laurence Laurence Olivier Award, an Academy Award, two Golden Globe Awards, and three British Academy Film Awards.

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Richard Garfield

First Name Richard
Last Name Garfield
Born on June 26, 1963 (age 61)

Richard Channing Garfield is an American mathematician, inventor, and game designer. Garfield created Magic: The Gathering, which is considered to be the first modern collectible card game (CCG). Magic debuted in 1993 and its success spawned many imitations. Garfield oversaw the successful growth of Magic and followed it with other game designs. Included in these are Keyforge, Netrunner, BattleTech(CCG), Vampire: The Eternal Struggle, Star Wars Trading Card Game, The Great Dalmuti, Artifact, and the board game RoboRally. He also created a variation of the card game Hearts called Complex Hearts. Garfield first became passionate about games when he played the roleplaying game Dungeons & Dragons, so he designed Magic decks to be customizable like roleplaying characters. Garfield and Magic are both in the Adventure Gaming Hall of Fame.

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James A. Garfield

James Abram Garfield
First Name James
Last Name Garfield
Died on September 19, 1881

James Abram Garfield was the 20th president of the United States, serving from March 4, 1881, until his death by assassination six and a half months later. He is the only sitting member of the United States House of Representatives to be elected to the presidency.

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John Garfield

Jacob Garfinkle
First Name John
Last Name Garfield
Born on March 4, 1913
Died on May 21, 1952 (aged 39)
Height 170 cm | 5'7

John Garfield was an American actor who played brooding, rebellious, working-class characters. He grew up in poverty in New York City. In the early 1930s, he became a member of the Group Theater. In 1937, he moved to Hollywood, eventually becoming one of Warner Bros.' stars. He received Academy Award nominations for his performances in Four Daughters (1938) and Body and Soul (1947).

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Allen Garfield

Allen Goorwitz
First Name Allen
Last Name Garfield
Born on November 22, 1939
Died on April 7, 2020 (aged 80)

Allen Garfield was an American film and television actor.

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Lucretia Garfield

First Name Lucretia
Born on April 19, 1832
Died on March 14, 1918 (aged 85)

Lucretia Garfield was the First Lady of the United States from March to September 1881, as the wife of James A. Garfield, the 20th President of the United States.

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Eugene Garfield

Eugene Garfinkle
First Name Eugene
Died on February 26, 2017 (aged 47)

Eugene Eli Garfield was an American linguist and businessman, one of the founders of bibliometrics and scientometrics. He helped to create Current Contents, Science Citation Index (SCI), Journal Citation Reports, and Index Chemicus, among others, and founded the magazine The Scientist.

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Abram Garfield

First Name Abram
Last Name Garfield
Born on November 21, 1872
Died on October 16, 1958 (aged 85)

Abram Garfield was the youngest son of President James A. Garfield and Lucretia Rudolph Garfield, and an architect who practiced in Cleveland, Ohio.

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Abram Garfield

First Name Abram
Last Name Garfield
Born on January 1, 1799
Died on January 1, 1833 (aged 34)
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Eliza Garfield

First Name Eliza
Last Name Garfield
Born on July 3, 1860
Died on December 3, 1863 (aged 3)

James Abram Garfield was the 20th president of the United States, serving from March to September 1881. Garfield was shot by an assassin four months into his presidency and died two months later. He is the only sitting member of the United States House of Representatives to be elected to the presidency.

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