List of Famous people with last name Forez

Renaud, Count of Forez

First Name Renaud,
Last Name Forez
Born on November 30, 1225
Died on November 30, 1269 (aged 44)
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Guigues V, Count of Forez

First Name Guigues
Born on November 30, 1199
Died on January 1, 1259 (aged 59)
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Guigues IV, Count of Forez

First Name Guigues
Born on January 1, 1199
Died on January 1, 1241 (aged 42)

Guigues IV or Guy IV was the count of Forez, Auxerre and Tonnerre from 1203 and the count of Nevers from 1226. He was still a child when his father, Guigues III, died on the Fourth Crusade and he inherited Forez. His mother was Alix and his uncle, Renaud, archbishop of Lyon, acted as regent until he came of age in 1218.

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Guy II, Count of Forez

First Name Guy
Last Name Forez
Born on January 1, 1200
Died on December 6, 1206 (aged 6)
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Renaud II de Forez

First Name Renaud
Last Name Forez
Born on November 30, 1149
Died on October 22, 1226 (aged 76)

Renaud de Forez was a French churchman who was Archbishop of Lyon as Renaud II (1193–1226). A son of Count Guigues II of Forez, Renaud acted as regent of the county of Forez for his nephew, Guigues IV, between 1203 and 1218. He joined the Lyon chapter during the episcopate of Guichard of Pontigny. He became abbot of Saint-Just in 1182.

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Guigues I de Forez

First Name Guigues
Died on November 30, 1136
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Don't know him/her
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