List of Famous people with last name Flack

Lotte Flack

First Name Lotte
Born on January 14, 1994 (age 30)
Born in Germany

Lotte Flack is a German actress.

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Sophie Flack

First Name Sophie
Last Name Flack
Born on August 8, 1983 (age 41)

Sophie Flack is an author, freelance writer and editor, and former dancer with the New York City Ballet.

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Sarah Flack

First Name Sarah
Last Name Flack
Born on January 1, 2000 (age 24)

Sarah Flack is an American film editor. She is notable for collaborating extensively with American independent film directors Steven Soderbergh and Sofia Coppola . Flack's work on Lost in Translation won her the BAFTA Award for Best Editing. The film went on to win numerous other awards, including a Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy and the Independent Spirit Award for Best Film. She won a Primetime Emmy Award and an American Cinema Editors Eddie award with Robert Pulcini for co-editing the HBO film "Cinema Verite".

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