List of Famous people with last name Faison

Azie Faison

First Name Azie
Born on November 10, 1964 (age 60)

Azie Faison Jr., sometimes known by the nickname "AZ", is an American former drug dealer and businessman who attained notoriety during the War on Drugs era as an individual drug dealer in New York. His five-year reign as crime boss ended when he was 26. Faison was born in New York City, and turned to selling drugs his early twenties, quickly becoming the wholesaler in the Harlem neighborhood. He expanded the drug-dealing business across the city, and involved both childhood friend Rich Porter, and associate Alpo Martinez, with the duo being instrumental in Faison's rise and fall.

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Donald Faison

First Name Donald
Last Name Faison
Born on June 22, 1974 (age 50)
Height 180 cm | 5'11

Donald Adeosun Faison is an American actor, comedian, and voice actor, best known for his leading role as Dr. Chris Turk in the ABC/NBC comedy-drama Scrubs (2001–2010), and a supporting role as Murray in both the film Clueless (1995) and the subsequent television series of the same name. He also starred as Phil Chase in the TV Land sitcom The Exes (2011–2015).

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Frankie Faison

First Name Frankie
Last Name Faison
Born on June 10, 1949 (age 75)

Frankie Russel Faison, often credited as Frankie R. Faison, is an American actor known for his role as Deputy Commissioner Ervin Burrell in the HBO series The Wire, as Barney Matthews in the Hannibal Lecter franchise, and as Sugar Bates in the Cinemax series Banshee.

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