List of Famous people with last name Esperandieu

Émile Espérandieu

First Name Émile
Last Name Espérandieu
Born on October 11, 1857
Died on March 14, 1939 (aged 81)
Born in France, Occitania

Émile Espérandieu was a French military officer, Latin epigrapher and archaeologist.

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Henri-Jacques Espérandieu

First Name Henri-Jacques
Born on February 22, 1829
Died on November 11, 1874 (aged 45)
Born in France, Occitania

Henri-Jacques Espérandieu was an architect who made his career in Marseille, France. He was responsible for some of the most famous buildings of the city, including the "Bonne mère", Notre-Dame de la Garde.

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