List of Famous people with last name Escorel

Lauro Escorel

First Name Lauro
Last Name Escorel
Born on January 5, 1950 (age 74)

Lauro Escorel Filho, most known as Lauro Escorel, is an American-born Brazilian cinematographer and film director. He was born during his father, a Ministry of External Relations, stay in Washington, DC. He first worked as an assistant to Dib Lutfi and Affonso Beato, and made his debut in 1971 on Leon Hirszman's São Bernardo, which won Gramado Film Festival Best Cinematography Award. He directed the short film Libertários, winner of Margarida de Prata Award from the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil, in 1976. In 1978, he would win again the Gramado Film Festival Best Cinematography Award for his work on Héctor Babenco's Lúcio Flávio, o Passageiro da Agonia. His first feature film, Sonho sem Fim, won the Jury Special Award at the 1986 Gramado Film Festival. Ironweed (1987), another Babenco's film, would make him more known internationally.

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