List of Famous people with last name Erne

Henry Crichton, 6th Earl Erne

First Name Henry
Last Name Erne
Born on July 9, 1937
Died on December 23, 2015 (aged 78)

Henry George Victor John Crichton, 6th Earl Erne, KCVO, was an Anglo-Irish peer and a Lord Lieutenant of Fermanagh. He was known to his family and friends as Harry Erne.

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John Crichton, 4th Earl Erne

First Name John
Last Name Erne
Born on October 16, 1839
Died on December 2, 1914 (aged 75)

John Henry Crichton, 4th Earl Erne,, styled Viscount Crichton from 1842 to 1885, was an Anglo-Irish peer and Conservative politician.

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John Crichton, 3rd Earl Erne

First Name John
Last Name Erne
Born on July 30, 1802
Died on October 3, 1885 (aged 83)

John Crichton, 3rd Earl Erne, KP, was an Anglo-Irish peer and politician.

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August Erne

First Name August
Last Name Erne
Born on February 15, 1905
Died on October 15, 1987 (aged 82)
Born in Switzerland, Aargau

August Erne was a Swiss racing cyclist. He was the Swiss National Road Race champion in 1932. He also rode in the 1932 and 1934 Tour de France.

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Abraham Creighton, 2nd Earl Erne

First Name Abraham
Last Name Erne
Born on May 10, 1765
Died on June 10, 1842 (aged 77)

Abraham Creighton, 2nd Earl Erne was an Irish peer and politician.

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