List of Famous people with last name Elbe

Lili Elbe

Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener
First Name Lili
Last Name Elbe
Born on December 28, 1882
Died on September 13, 1931 (aged 48)

Lili Ilse Elvenes, better known as Lili Elbe, was a Danish painter and transgender woman, and among the early recipients of sex reassignment surgery. She was a successful painter under her birth name Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener. After transitioning in 1930, she changed her legal name to Lili Ilse Elvenes and stopped painting; she later adopted the surname Elbe. She died from complications following a uterus transplant. The US and UK English versions of her semi-autobiographical narrative were published posthumously in 1933 under the title Man into Woman: An Authentic Record of a Change of Sex.

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Pascal Elbé

First Name Pascal
Last Name Elbé
Born on March 13, 1967 (age 57)

Pascal Elbé is a French actor, director and screenwriter.

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Frank Elbe

First Name Frank
Last Name Elbe
Born on May 9, 1941
Died on June 15, 2022 (aged 81)
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