List of Famous people with last name Dykstra

Lenny Dykstra

Leonard Kyle Dykstra, is an American former professional baseball center fielder, who played in Major League Baseball (MLB) for the New York Mets (1985–1989) and Philadelphia Phillies (1989–1996). Dykstra was a three-time All-Star and won a World Series championship as a member of the 1986 Mets. Since retirement, Dykstra has been mired in financial and legal troubles. In 2009, he filed for bankruptcy. In 2011, he was arrested and charged with bankruptcy fraud, followed by grand theft auto and drug possession charges on an unrelated case, as well as indecent exposure. He served ​6 12 months in federal prison.

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Chloe Dykstra

First Name Chloe
Born on September 15, 1988 (age 35)

Chloe Frances Dykstra is an American cosplayer, model and actress. She produced and co-hosted the web series Just Cos for the Nerdist Industries' YouTube channel and is a cast member of the SYFY show Heroes of Cosplay. She is also a freelance game journalist for several websites. In June 2018, Dykstra received media attention following an article she wrote on Medium detailing her alleged abuse from a former partner, subsequently identified as Chris Hardwick.

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Kenny Dykstra

First Name Kenny
Last Name Dykstra
Born on March 16, 1986 (age 38)
Height 193 cm | 6'4

Kenneth George Doane is an American professional wrestler. He is best known for his time in WWE as Kenny Dykstra and Kenny as a member of The Spirit Squad. Outside of WWE, his most significant appearance in a major promotion was for Major League Wrestling (MLW) in a tag team with Squad member Mike Mondo during 2019.

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John Dykstra

First Name John
Last Name Dykstra
Born on June 3, 1947 (age 77)

John Charles Dykstra, A.S.C. is an American special effects artist, pioneer in the development of the use of computers in filmmaking and recipient of three Academy Awards, among many other awards and prizes. He was one of the original founders of Industrial Light & Magic, the special effects and computer graphics division of Lucasfilm. He is well known as the special effects lead on the original Star Wars, helping bring the original visuals for lightsabers, space battles between X-wings and TIE fighters, and Force powers to the screen. He also led special effects on many other movies, including Batman Forever, Batman and Robin, Stuart Little, X-Men: First Class, Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2.

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