List of Famous people with last name Dunmore

Helen Dunmore

First Name Helen
Last Name Dunmore
Born on December 12, 1952
Died on June 5, 2017 (aged 64)

Helen Dunmore FRSL was a British poet, novelist, and short story and children's writer. She won the National Poetry Competition award.

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John Murray, 4th Earl of Dunmore

First Name John
Last Name Dunmore
Born on January 1, 1730
Died on February 25, 1809 (aged 79)
Born in United Kingdom

John Murray, 4th Earl of Dunmore, known as Lord Dunmore, was a Scottish peer and colonial governor in the American colonies and The Bahamas. He was the last colonial governor of Virginia.

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Catherine Murray, Countess of Dunmore

First Name Catherine
Last Name Dunmore
Born on October 31, 1814
Died on February 12, 1886 (aged 71)

Catherine Murray, Countess of Dunmore, was an English peeress and promoter of Harris Tweed.

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Charles Murray, 7th Earl of Dunmore

First Name Charles
Last Name Dunmore
Born on March 24, 1841
Died on August 27, 1907 (aged 66)

Charles Adolphus Murray, 7th Earl of Dunmore VD, styled Viscount Fincastle from birth until 1845, was a Scottish peer, Conservative politician, explorer, author, and artist.

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Alexander Murray, 8th Earl of Dunmore

First Name Alexander
Last Name Dunmore
Died on January 29, 1962

Alexander Edward Murray, 8th Earl of Dunmore, known by the courtesy title Viscount Fincastle until 1907, was a British soldier and politician.

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John Murray, 9th Earl of Dunmore

First Name John
Last Name Dunmore
Born on November 30, 1938
Died on November 30, 1979 (aged 41)
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Janet Patterson of Dunmore

First Name Janet
Last Name Dunmore
Died on February 9, 1750
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