List of Famous people with last name Dotrice

Karen Dotrice

First Name Karen
Last Name Dotrice
Born on November 9, 1955 (age 69)

Karen Dotrice is a British actress, known primarily for her role as Jane Banks in Walt Disney's Mary Poppins, the feature film adaptation of the Mary Poppins book series. Dotrice was born in Guernsey on the Channel Islands to two stage actors. Her career began on stage, and expanded into film and television, including starring roles as a young girl whose beloved cat magically reappears in Disney's The Three Lives of Thomasina and with Thomasina co-star Matthew Garber as one of two children pining for their parents' attentions in Poppins. She appeared in five television programmes between 1972 and 1978, when she made her only feature film as an adult. Her life as an actress concluded with a short run as Desdemona in the 1981 pre-Broadway production of Othello.

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Michele Dotrice

First Name Michele
Last Name Dotrice
Born on September 27, 1948 (age 76)
Height 155 cm | 5'1

Michele Dotrice is an English actress, best known for her portrayal of Betty Spencer, the long-suffering wife of Frank Spencer, played by Michael Crawford, in the BBC sitcom Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em, which ran from 1973 to 1978, and returned in 2016 for a special.

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Roy Dotrice

First Name Roy
Last Name Dotrice
Born on May 26, 1923
Died on October 16, 2017 (aged 94)

Roy Dotrice was a British stage, television and film actor famed for his portrayal of the antiquarian John Aubrey in the record-breaking solo play Brief Lives.

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Kay Dotrice

Katherine Newman
First Name Kay
Last Name Dotrice
Born on May 9, 1929
Died on August 2, 2007 (aged 78)

Katherine Florence Dotrice, known professionally as Kay Newman and Kay Dotrice, was a British stage and screen actress, best known for her roles in the UK TV series Crossroads, the movie Cheech & Chong's The Corsican Brothers, and many repertory performances during the 1950s.

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