List of Famous people with last name Dong

Jin Dong

First Name Jin
Last Name Dong
Born on December 22, 1976 (age 47)

Jin Dong is a Chinese actor. He is known for his television roles in Legend of Entrepreneurship (2012), The Disguiser (2015), Candle in the Tomb (2016), Surgeons (2017) and The First Half of My Life (2017).

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Dong Dong

First Name Dong
Last Name Dong
Born on April 13, 1989 (age 35)
Height 169 cm | 5'7

Dong Dong is a Chinese trampoline gymnast. He is an Olympic champion and three-time medalist: gold at London 2012, bronze at Beijing 2008, and silver at Rio 2016. Between 2007 and 2014, he made the podium at every World Championships and Olympics.

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Han Dong

First Name Han
Last Name Dong
Born on November 11, 1980 (age 43)

Han Dong is a Chinese actor. He rose to fame for his role as Ninth prince in the historical drama Scarlet Heart.

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Yu Dong

First Name Yu
Last Name Dong
Born on January 1, 1971 (age 53)

Yu Dong is a Chinese film producer, and presenter. He is also the president of Polybona Films, a production company and film distributor, which has distributed and co-produced over 100 Chinese-language films, such as Confession of Pain, Dragon Tiger Gate, and Flash Point.

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Chen Dong (Taikonaut)

First Name Chen
Last Name (Taikonaut)
Born on December 12, 1978 (age 45)

Chen Dong is a Chinese fighter pilot and taikonaut selected as part of the Shenzhou program. A fighter pilot in the People's Liberation Army Air Force, he was selected to be a CNSA taikonaut in 2010.

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