List of Famous people with last name Dolto


Jean-Chrysostome Dolto
Born on February 20, 1943
Died on January 17, 2008 (aged 64)

Carlos was a French singer, entertainer and actor. He is sometimes called Jean-Christophe Doltovitch.

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Françoise Dolto

Françoise Marette
First Name Françoise
Last Name Dolto
Born on November 6, 1908
Died on August 25, 1988 (aged 79)

Françoise Dolto, was a French pediatrician and psychoanalyst.

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Catherine Dolto

Catherine Marie Dolto
First Name Catherine
Last Name Dolto
Born on August 5, 1946 (age 78)
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Don't know him/her

Boris Dolto

First Name Boris
Last Name Dolto
Born on August 3, 1899
Died on July 27, 1981 (aged 81)
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Don't know him/her
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