List of Famous people with last name Dirani

Firass Dirani

First Name Firass
Born on April 29, 1984 (age 40)

Firass Dirani is an Australian film and television actor known for his roles of Nick Russell, the Red Mystic Ranger on Power Rangers Mystic Force, Charlie in the 2009 Australian film The Combination, and as John Ibrahim on the 2010 series Underbelly: The Golden Mile. Since 2012, he has played Justin Baynie in the Australian TV series House Husbands.

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Mustafa Dirani

First Name Mustafa
Last Name Dirani
Born on January 1, 1951 (age 73)

Mustafa Dirani is a former member who held position of "the head of security" of the Amal movement in Lebanon associated with Syria. In 1987, he started contacts with pro-Iran sources, and eventually he created contacts between them and the rest of the leadership of Amal. He was expelled from Amal and he established his own organization, the "Believing Resistance".

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Zade Dirani

First Name Zade
Last Name Dirani
Born on February 1, 1980 (age 44)

Zade Dirani, is a Jordanian pianist, composer, and UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador for the Middle East and North Africa, whose genre blending songs are inspired by Arabic, Latin, pop, and classical music. He has performed before thousands around the world including Queen Elizabeth, Nelson Mandela, amongst others.

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Muḥammad Badawī Al Dīrānī

First Name Muḥammad
Last Name Dīrānī
Born on November 30, 1893
Died on November 30, 1966 (aged 73)
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