List of Famous people with last name Courland

Charles of Saxony, Duke of Courland

Karl Christian Joseph Ignaz Eugen Franz Xaver von Polen und Sachsen
First Name Charles
Last Name Courland
Died on June 16, 1796
Born in Germany, Saxony

Prince Karl Christian Joseph of Saxony - in English, Charles of Saxony - was a German prince of the House of Wettin and Duke of Courland and Semigallia. Born in Dresden, he was the fifth son of Augustus III, King of Poland and Elector of Saxony, and Maria Josepha of Austria. He is an ancestor of the Italian House of Savoy.

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Maria Amalia of Courland

Maria Anna Amalia von Kurland
First Name Maria
Last Name Courland
Born on June 12, 1653
Died on June 16, 1711 (aged 58)
Born in Latvia

Princess Maria Anna Amalia of Courland was a landgravine of Hesse-Kassel through her marriage on 21 May 1673 to her first cousin Charles I, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel. She was the child of Jacob Kettler, Duke of Courland and Semigallia and Margravine Louise Charlotte of Brandenburg, eldest daughter of George William, Elector of Brandenburg. Her eldest son became King Frederick of Sweden.

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Louise Elisabeth of Courland

First Name Louise
Last Name Courland
Born on August 12, 1646
Died on December 16, 1690 (aged 44)
Born in Latvia

Louise Elisabeth of Courland was Landgravine of Hesse-Homburg by marriage to Frederick II, Landgrave of Hesse-Homburg.

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Princess Dorothea of Courland

First Name Princess
Last Name Courland
Born on August 21, 1793
Died on September 19, 1862 (aged 69)
Born in Germany, Berlin

Dorothea von Biron, Princess of Courland, Duchess of Dino, Duchess of Talleyrand and Duchess of Sagan, known as Dorothée de Courlande or Dorothée de Dino, was a Baltic German noblewoman. Her mother was Dorothea von Medem, Duchess of Courland, and although her mother's husband, Duke Peter von Biron, acknowledged her as his own, her true father may have been the Polish statesman Count Aleksander Batowski. For a long time, she accompanied the French statesman Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord; she was the separated wife of his nephew, Edmond de Talleyrand-Périgord.

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Alexander of Courland

First Name Alexander
Last Name Courland
Born on October 18, 1658
Died on June 28, 1686 (aged 27)
Born in Latvia

Alexander of Courland, nicknamed "Alexander the One-armed", was a Baltic German prince and the brother of Duke Frederick (II) Casimir of Courland. He was the youngest son of Jakob Kettler (1610–1682), Duke of Courland and his wife Luise Charlotte von Brandenburg (1617–1676), eldest daughter of Prince elector Georg Wilhelm von Brandenburg. He was a member of the Kettler dynasty.

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