List of Famous people with last name Courcillon

Philippe de Courcillon

First Name Philippe
Last Name Courcillon
Died on September 9, 1720

Philippe de Courcillon, Marquis de Dangeau was a French officer and author.

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Louis de Courcillon

First Name Louis
Last Name Courcillon
Born on January 1, 1643
Died on January 1, 1723 (aged 80)

Louis de Courcillon, known as the abbé de Dangeau was a French churchman and grammarian, best known for being the first to describe the nasal vowels in the French language. He was a younger brother of Philippe de Courcillon de Dangeau.

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Marie Sophie de Courcillon

First Name Marie
Last Name Courcillon
Born on August 6, 1713
Died on April 4, 1756 (aged 42)

Marie Sophie de Courcillon was a French salonnière, Duchess of Rohan-Rohan and Princess of Soubise by marriage. She was the granddaughter of Philippe de Courcillon, better known as the marquis de Dangeau. She was praised for being a cultured woman for the age and held a fashionable salon at the Hôtel de Soubise in Paris. She was painted by Nattier.

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