List of Famous people with last name Correggio

Girolamo di Correggio

First Name Girolamo
Last Name Correggio
Born on January 31, 1511
Died on October 9, 1572 (aged 61)

Girolamo di Corregio (1511–1572) was an Italian Roman Catholic cardinal and bishop.

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Antonio da Correggio

First Name Antonio
Last Name Correggio
Born on August 30, 1489
Died on March 4, 1534 (aged 44)

Antonio Allegri da Correggio, usually known as just Correggio, was the foremost painter of the Parma school of the High Italian Renaissance, who was responsible for some of the most vigorous and sensuous works of the 16th century. In his use of dynamic composition, illusionistic perspective and dramatic foreshortening, Correggio prefigured the Baroque art of the 17th century and the Rococo art of the 18th century. He is considered a master of chiaroscuro.

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