List of Famous people with last name Cho

Lindsey Cho

First Name Lindsey
Last Name Cho
Born on February 25, 1989 (age 35)
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CC Cho

First Name CC
Born on October 25, 1991 (age 32)
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Isamu Chō

First Name Isamu
Last Name Chō
Born on January 19, 1895
Died on June 23, 1945 (aged 50)

Isamu Chō was an officer in the Imperial Japanese Army known for his support of ultranationalist politics and involvement in a number of attempted coup d'états in pre-World War II Japan.

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Jasper Cho

First Name Jasper
Last Name Cho
Born on February 12, 1986 (age 38)

Jasper Taekwan Cho, a Canadian actor and art director based in South Korea. He gained attention through his roles in television series Descendants of the Sun (2016) and Man Who Dies to Live (2017).

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