List of Famous people with last name Chateauguay

Charles le Moyne de Longueuil et de Châteauguay

First Name Charles
Last Name Châteauguay
Born on August 2, 1626
Died on February 1, 1685 (aged 58)
Born in France, Normandy

Charles le Moyne de Longueuil et de Châteauguay, was a French officer and merchant who was a prominent figure in the early days of Montreal. Born in Dieppe, France in Normandy, he came to New France in 1641. He became lord of Longueuil in Canada.

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Antoine Le Moyne de Châteauguay

First Name Antoine
Last Name Châteauguay
Born on July 17, 1683
Died on March 21, 1747 (aged 63)

Antoine Le Moyne de Châteauguay was a French soldier and colonial administrator who assisted in the foundation of the French colony of Louisiana in 1699–1702. He served in various posts in Mobile, Louisiana and Martinique. He was governor of Cayenne from 1738 to 1743, then governor of Île Royale from 1745.

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