List of Famous people with last name Carpio

Teresa Carpio

First Name Teresa
Last Name Carpio
Born on September 30, 1956 (age 67)

Teresa Carpio is a Hong Kong English and Cantonese-language pop singer, actress, and singing teacher. Carpio was popular in Hong Kong during the 1970s and 1980s. She is the paternal cousin of actress and singer Rita Carpio, and also the mother of actress and singer T.V. Carpio. She is most well known for her Cantonese-language hits, 假如 (If), 仍然記得嗰一次, 眉頭不再猛皺 (Sukiyaki), 何必放棄 and 真愛.

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Rita Carpio

First Name Rita
Last Name Carpio
Born on June 17, 1963 (age 61)

Rita Maria Carpio is a Hong Kong pop singer of Filipino-Macanese ethnicity. Active since the 1980s, she is most well known for the 1990 Cantopop classic "You Needn’t Be Acquaintances to Meet with Each Other" (相逢何必曾相識), a duet which she sang with Ram Chiang.

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Esteban Carpio

First Name Esteban
Last Name Carpio
Born on July 30, 1978 (age 45)

Esteban Carpio is an American convicted prison inmate, serving a life sentence for the murder of a policeman in 2005.

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T. V. Carpio

First Name T.
Last Name Carpio
Born on January 1, 1981 (age 43)

Teresa Victoria Carpio is an American actress and singer. She is best known for her breakthrough role as Prudence in the film Across the Universe (2007), in which she sang the Beatles song "I Want to Hold Your Hand". She gained further recognition for her roles as Valerie in Limitless (2011), and Shelby Prince in the Lifetime television series The Client List (2013).

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