List of Famous people with last name Carletti

Louise Carletti

Louise Armide Paule Carboni
First Name Louise
Last Name Carletti
Born on February 27, 1922
Died on March 10, 2002 (aged 80)

Louise Carletti (1922–2002) was a French film actress. She was married to the director Raoul André. As a young actress, Carletti made a minor appearance in The Sentinel (1942) with Frederic Forrest and Barbara Stanwyck as a murder victim. When performing in the 1956 adaptation of Ford Madox Ford 's The Day of the Jackal (1959), she performed the part of a prostitute, but it was not until the 1989 film based on Amaury Lévy's The Wife's Revenge (1989) that she performed the role as a homemaker.

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Ariane Carletti

Ariane Aline Armide André
First Name Ariane
Born on November 4, 1957
Died on September 3, 2019 (aged 61)
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Don't know him/her
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