List of Famous people with last name Cardigan

Robert Brudenell, 6th Earl of Cardigan

First Name Robert
Last Name Cardigan
Born on April 25, 1760
Died on August 14, 1837 (aged 77)

Robert Brudenell, 6th Earl of Cardigan was an English peer and Member of Parliament.

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Elizabeth Brudenell, Countess of Cardigan

First Name Elizabeth
Last Name Cardigan
Born on January 1, 1689
Died on January 1, 1745 (aged 56)

Elizabeth Brudenell, Countess of Cardigan, formerly Lady Elizabeth Bruce, was an English noblewoman and a petitioner for the foundation of the Foundling Hospital in London. Her husband was George Brudenell, 3rd Earl of Cardigan, and she was the mother of the 4th Earl, who later became 1st Duke of Montagu.

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George Brudenell, 3rd Earl of Cardigan

First Name George
Last Name Cardigan
Born on September 29, 1685
Died on July 5, 1732 (aged 46)

George Brudenell, 3rd Earl of Cardigan, styled Lord Brudenell between 1698 and 1703, was a British peer.

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James Brudenell, 7th Earl of Cardigan

James Thomas Brudenell
First Name James
Last Name Cardigan
Born on October 16, 1797
Died on March 28, 1868 (aged 70)

Lieutenant-General James Thomas Brudenell, 7th Earl of Cardigan,, styled as Lord Cardigan, was an officer in the British Army who commanded the Light Brigade during the Crimean War. He led the Charge of the Light Brigade at the Battle of Balaclava.

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David Michael James Brudenell-Bruce, Earl of Cardigan

First Name David
Last Name Cardigan
Born on November 12, 1952 (age 71)
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Elizabeth Jane Henrietta Brudenell, countess of Cardigan

First Name Elizabeth
Last Name Cardigan
Died on July 15, 1858
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