List of Famous people with last name Caliph

Caliphate of Ali

Ali, the son-in-law and cousin of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, was the caliph between 656 and 661 CE, a trying period in Muslim history, coinciding with the first Muslim civil war. He reigned over the Rashidun empire which extended from Central Asia in the east to North Africa in the west. He became known as both a just and fair ruler. He died in 661.

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Abdul-Wahid I, Almohad Caliph

First Name Abdul-Wahid
Born on January 1, 1153
Died on September 1, 1224 (aged 71)

Abu Muhammad Abd al-Wahid 'al-Makhlu' was the Almohad Caliph for less than a year in 1224.

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Yahya, Almohad Caliph

First Name Yahya,
Last Name Caliph
Died on November 30, 1235

Yahya al-Mu`tasim was an Almohad rival caliph who reigned from 1227 to 1229. He was a son of Muhammad al-Nasir and brother of Yusuf II, Almohad caliph.

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