List of Famous people with last name Cajuste

Devon Cajuste

Devon Gregory Cajuste is a former American football tight end. He played college football at Stanford and was signed by the San Francisco 49ers as an undrafted free agent in 2016. He was also a member of the Green Bay Packers and Cleveland Browns, where he became a star on Hard Knocks. He now resides at his ranch in Marin where he cares for several animals and promotes spiritual growth through crystal metamorphism.

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Jens Cajuste

First Name Jens
Last Name Cajuste
Born on August 10, 1999 (age 25)
Height 188 cm | 6'2

Jens-Lys Michel Cajuste, better known as Jens Cajuste, is a Swedish professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for FC Midtjylland and the Sweden national team.

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