List of Famous people with last name Burleigh

John Balfour, 3rd Lord Balfour of Burleigh

First Name John
Last Name Burleigh
Born on November 30, 1600
Died on November 30, 1687 (aged 87)

John Balfour, 3rd Lord Balfour of Burleigh was a Scottish nobleman. He was educated in France; and has been traditionally and erroneously styled Covenanter John Balfour, the Covenanter being John Balfour of Kinloch.

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Margaret Balfour, Baroness Balfour of Burleigh

First Name Margaret
Last Name Burleigh
Died on May 31, 1639
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Robert Balfour, 4th Lord Balfour of Burleigh

First Name Robert
Last Name Burleigh
Died on June 30, 1713
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Harry T. Burleigh

Henry Thacker Burleigh
First Name Harry
Last Name Burleigh
Born on December 2, 1866
Died on September 12, 1949 (aged 82)

Henry Thacker ("Harry") Burleigh was an American classical composer, arranger, and professional singer known for his baritone voice. The first black composer instrumental in developing characteristically American music, Burleigh made black music available to classically trained artists both by introducing them to spirituals and by arranging spirituals in a more classical form. Burleigh also introduced Antonín Dvořák to Black American music, which influenced some of Dvořák's most famous compositions and led him to say that Black music would be the basis of an American classical music.

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David Balfour of Burleigh

First Name David
Last Name Burleigh
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Michael Balfour, 1st Lord Balfour of Burleigh

First Name Michael
Last Name Burleigh
Died on March 15, 1619
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Michael Balfour, 4th of Burleigh

First Name Michael
Last Name Burleigh
Died on November 29, 1577
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Walter A. Burleigh

First Name Walter
Last Name Burleigh
Born on October 25, 1820
Died on March 7, 1896 (aged 75)

Walter Atwood Burleigh was an American physician, lawyer, and pioneer. He represented the Dakota Territory as a non-voting delegate to the United States House of Representatives. He is an American man.

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Robert Balfour, 5th Lord Balfour of Burleigh

First Name Robert
Last Name Burleigh
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Sir James Balfour of Pittendreich and Burleigh

First Name Sir
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Don't know him/her
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