Harry T. Burleigh

Harry T. Burleigh
Harry T. Burleigh

Henry Thacker ("Harry") Burleigh was an American classical composer, arranger, and professional singer known for his baritone voice. The first black composer instrumental in developing characteristically American music, Burleigh made black music available to classically trained artists both by introducing them to spirituals and by arranging spirituals in a more classical form. Burleigh also introduced Antonín Dvořák to Black American music, which influenced some of Dvořák's most famous compositions and led him to say that Black music would be the basis of an American classical music.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Full Name
Henry Thacker Burleigh
Date of Birth
December 2nd, 1866
Birth Place
United States of America, Pennsylvania
Date of Death
September 12nd, 1949
Died Aged
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