List of Famous people with last name Boseman

Chadwick Boseman

Chadwick Aaron Boseman
First Name Chadwick
Last Name Boseman
Born on November 29, 1976
Died on August 28, 2020 (aged 43)
Height 182 cm | 6'0

Chadwick Aaron Boseman was an American actor and playwright. After studying directing at Howard University, he became prominent in theater, winning a Drama League Directing Fellowship and an acting AUDELCO, and being nominated for a Jeff Award as a playwright for Deep Azure. Transitioning to the screen, he landed his first major role as a series regular on Persons Unknown in 2010, and his breakthrough performance came in 2013 as baseball player Jackie Robinson in the biographical film 42. He continued to portray historical figures, starring in Get on Up (2014) as singer James Brown and Marshall (2017) as Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall.

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