List of Famous people with last name Blantyre

Robert Stuart, 7th Lord Blantyre

First Name Robert
Last Name Blantyre
Died on November 17, 1743
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Charles Stuart, 12th Lord Blantyre

First Name Charles
Last Name Blantyre
Born on December 21, 1818
Died on December 15, 1900 (aged 81)

Charles Walter Stuart, 12th Lord Blantyre, DL, styled Master of Blantyre from birth until 1830, was a Scottish politician and landowner with 14,100 acres (57 km2).

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Alexander Stewart, 5th Lord Blantyre

First Name Alexander
Last Name Blantyre
Died on June 20, 1704
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Don't know him/her

William Stuart, 9th Lord Blantyre

First Name William
Last Name Blantyre
Died on January 16, 1776
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Walter Stewart, 1st Lord Blantyre

First Name Walter
Last Name Blantyre
Died on November 30, 1616

Walter Stewart, 1st Lord Blantyre was a Scottish politician, administrator, and judge.

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Alexander Stuart, 10th Lord Blantyre

First Name Alexander
Last Name Blantyre
Died on November 5, 1783
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Don't know him/her

William Stewart, 2nd Lord Blantyre

First Name William
Last Name Blantyre
Died on November 29, 1638
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Don't know him/her

Alexander Stewart, 4th Lord Blantyre

First Name Alexander
Last Name Blantyre
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Don't know him/her

Walter Stuart, 6th Lord Blantyre

First Name Walter
Last Name Blantyre
Born on February 1, 1682
Died on June 23, 1713 (aged 31)
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Don't know him/her

Walter Stuart, 8th Lord Blantyre

First Name Walter
Last Name Blantyre
Died on May 21, 1751
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Don't know him/her
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