List of Famous people with last name Bezrukov

Sergey Bezrukov

Сергей Витальевич Безруков
First Name Sergey
Born on October 18, 1973 (age 50)
Born in Russia

Sergey Vitalyevich Bezrukov is a Russian screen and stage actor, singer, People's Artist of Russia, the laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation. He currently works at Tabakov Studio. He is a member of the Supreme Council of the party United Russia.

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Vitali Bezrukov

Виталий Сергеевич Безруков
First Name Vitali
Last Name Bezrukov
Born on January 1, 1942 (age 82)

Vitali Sergeyevich Bezrukov, is a Soviet and Russian actor and theatre director.

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