List of Famous people with last name Beckinsale

Kate Beckinsale

Kathrin Romany Beckinsale
First Name Kate
Last Name Beckinsale
Born on July 26, 1973 (age 51)
Height 170 cm | 5'7

Kathrin Romary Beckinsale is an English actress and model. After some minor television roles, her film debut was Much Ado About Nothing (1993) while a student at the University of Oxford. She appeared in British costume dramas such as Prince of Jutland (1994), Cold Comfort Farm (1995), Emma (1996), and The Golden Bowl (2000), in addition to various stage and radio productions. She started film work in the United States in the late 1990s, and, after appearing in small-scale dramas The Last Days of Disco (1998) and Brokedown Palace (1999), she starred in the war drama Pearl Harbor (2001), the romantic comedy Serendipity, and Tiptoes (2003). She followed those with appearances in The Aviator (2004) and Click (2006).

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Samantha Beckinsale

First Name Samantha
Born on July 23, 1966 (age 58)
Height 172 cm | 5'8

Samantha Jane Beckinsale is a British actress. Her TV appearances include Firefighter Kate Stevens in London's Burning and Lesley in the sitcom Shelley in 1989–92. She is the elder daughter of Richard Beckinsale and Margaret Bradley, stepdaughter of Judy Loe, and half-sister of Kate Beckinsale. She studied drama at Clarendon College Nottingham.

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