List of Famous people with last name Beauvau-craon

Marie Françoise Catherine de Beauvau-Craon

First Name Marie
Last Name Beauvau-Craon
Died on July 1, 1786
Born in France, Grand Est

Marie Françoise Catherine de Beauvau-Craon, marquise de Boufflers (1711–1786), commonly known as Madame de Boufflers, was a French noblewoman. She was the royal mistress of Stanislas Leszczyński and mother of the poet Stanislas de Boufflers.

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Marc de Beauvau-Craon

Marc Charles Louis Joseph Marie de Beauvau
First Name Marc
Last Name Beauvau-Craon
Born on February 3, 1921
Died on November 21, 1982 (aged 61)
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