List of Famous people with last name Barks

Samantha Barks

First Name Samantha
Born on October 2, 1990 (age 33)
Born in Garff
Height 166 cm | 5'5

Samantha Jane Barks is a Manx actress and singer who has performed on stage and screen as well as television. She rose to fame after coming in third in the BBC talent show-themed television series I'd Do Anything in 2008. In 2012, she starred alongside Jonathan Bailey in the Disney Channel series Groove High, and made her film debut as Éponine in the film version of the musical Les Misérables.

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Carl Barks

First Name Carl
Last Name Barks
Born on March 27, 1901
Died on August 25, 2000 (aged 99)

Carl Barks was an American cartoonist, author, and painter. He is best known for his work in Disney comic books, as the writer and artist of the first Donald Duck stories and as the creator of Scrooge McDuck. He worked anonymously until late in his career; fans dubbed him The Duck Man and The Good Duck Artist. In 1987, Barks was one of the three inaugural inductees of the Will Eisner Comic Book Hall of Fame.

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Garé Barks

Margaret Wynnfred Williams
First Name Garé
Last Name Barks
Born on December 6, 1917
Died on March 10, 1993 (aged 75)
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