List of Famous people with last name Baader

Andreas Baader

Berndt Andreas Baader
First Name Andreas
Last Name Baader
Born on May 6, 1943
Died on October 18, 1977 (aged 34)
Born in Germany, Bavaria

Berndt Andreas Baader was one of the first leaders of the West German left-wing militant organization Red Army Faction (RAF), also commonly known as the Baader-Meinhof Group.

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Klemens Alois Baader

First Name Klemens
Died on March 23, 1838
Born in Germany, Bavaria

Clemens Alois Baader, also spelled Klement Alois Baader or Klemens Alois Baader was a German Roman Catholic theologian.

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Gerhard Baader

First Name Gerhard
Last Name Baader
Born on July 3, 1928
Died on June 14, 2020 (aged 91)
Born in Austria
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Joseph Baader

First Name Joseph
Last Name Baader
Died on November 20, 1835
Born in Germany, Bavaria

Joseph von Baader was a German engineer and medical doctor, chiefly known for his role as a pioneer of railway transport in Bavaria, alongside Joseph Anton von Maffei and Theodor von Cramer-Klett. He was the brother of mining engineer and Catholic theologian Franz Xaver von Baader.

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Franz Xaver von Baader

First Name Franz
Last Name Baader
Born on March 27, 1765
Died on May 23, 1841 (aged 76)
Born in Germany, Bavaria

Franz von Baader, born Benedikt Franz Xaver Baader, was a German Catholic philosopher, theologian, physician, and mining engineer. Resisting the empiricism of his day, he denounced most Western philosophy since Descartes as trending into atheism and has been considered a revival of the Scholastic school. He was one of the most influential theologians of his age but his influence on subsequent philosophy has been less marked. Today he is thought to have re-introduced theological engagement with Meister Eckhart into academia and even Christianity and Theosophy more generally.

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Caspar Baader

First Name Caspar
Last Name Baader
Born on October 1, 1953 (age 70)

Caspar Baader is a Swiss politician, attorney and member of the Swiss National Council from the canton of Basel-Country. Elected in 1998, he is a member of the Swiss People's Party (SVP/UDC).

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