List of Famous people with last name Arran

Arthur Gore, 8th Earl of Arran

First Name Arthur
Last Name Arran
Born on July 5, 1910
Died on February 23, 1983 (aged 72)

Arthur Kattendyke Strange David Archibald Gore, 8th Earl of Arran was a British columnist and politician who served as the Conservative whip in the House of Lords. He is known for leading the effort in the House of Lords to decriminalise male homosexuality in 1967, following the suicide of his gay brother.

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James Hamilton, 1st Earl of Arran

First Name James
Last Name Arran
Born on November 30, 1474
Died on January 1, 1529 (aged 54)

James Hamilton, 1st Earl of Arran and 2nd Lord Hamilton was a Scottish nobleman, naval commander and first cousin of James IV of Scotland.

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Arthur Gore, 1st Earl of Arran

First Name Arthur
Last Name Arran
Born on November 30, 1702
Died on April 17, 1773 (aged 70)

Arthur Gore, 1st Earl of Arran PC (Ire), known as Sir Arthur Gore, 3rd Baronet from 1741 to 1757 and as Viscount Sudley from 1758 to 1762, was an Irish politician.

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Thomas Boyd, Earl of Arran

First Name Thomas
Last Name Arran
Died on November 30, 1473

Thomas Boyd, Earl of Arran was a Scottish nobleman.

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Arthur Gore, 9th Earl of Arran

First Name Arthur
Last Name Arran

Arthur Desmond Colquhoun Gore, 9th Earl of Arran, styled Viscount Sudley between 1958 and 1983, is a British peer and Lord Temporal in the House of Lords, sitting with the Conservative Party.

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James Hamilton, 3rd Earl of Arran

First Name James
Last Name Arran
Born on January 1, 1537
Died on January 1, 1609 (aged 72)

James Hamilton, 3rd Earl of Arran (1537–1609) was a Scottish nobleman and soldier who opposed the French-dominated regency during the Scottish Reformation. He was the eldest son of James Hamilton, Duke of Châtellerault, sometime regent of Scotland. He was of royal descent, and at times was third or fourth in succession to the Scottish crown; several royal marriages were proposed for him, but he eventually never married. He went to France with Mary, Queen of Scots, and commanded the Scots Guards. After returning to Scotland, he became a leader of the Protestant party against Mary and her French supporters. However, he went insane in 1562 and was confined for the rest of his life.

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James Stewart, 1st and last Earl of Arran

First Name James
Last Name Arran
Died on December 5, 1595
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Sir John Menteith, Lord of Arran

First Name Sir
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James Stewart, Earl of Arran

First Name James
Last Name Arran
Born on January 1, 1545
Died on January 1, 1596 (aged 51)

Captain James Stewart, Earl of Arran was created Earl of Arran by the young King James VI, who wrested the title from James Hamilton, 3rd Earl of Arran. He rose to become Lord Chancellor of Scotland and was eventually murdered in 1595.

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