List of Famous people with last name Akins

Marty Akins

First Name Marty
Last Name Akins
Born on January 6, 1954 (age 70)

Martin Ray Akins is a former college All-American football player and politician. He started as quarterback for the Texas Longhorns in the early 1970s and was the only Longhorn quarterback to start three seasons directing the wishbone offense, and the only wishbone quarterback to ever be an All-American. Akins helped quarterback Texas to 3 Southwest Conference Championships.

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Rhett Akins

First Name Rhett
Last Name Akins
Born on October 13, 1969 (age 55)

Thomas Rhett Akins Sr. is an American country music singer and songwriter. Signed to Decca Records between 1994 and 1997, he released two albums for that label, followed by 1998's What Livin's All About on MCA Nashville. Friday Night in Dixie was released in 2002 on Audium Entertainment. Overall, Akins's albums have accounted for fourteen singles on the Billboard Hot Country Songs, including the number one "Don't Get Me Started" from 1996.

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