List of Famous people with last name Airlie

Sir James Ogilvy of Airlie, 1st Lord Ogilvy of Airlie

First Name Sir
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David Ogilvy, 13th Earl of Airlie

First Name David
Last Name Airlie

David George Coke Patrick Ogilvy, 8th Earl of Airlie, is a Scottish peer.

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Walter Ogilvy, Earl of Airlie

First Name Walter
Last Name Airlie
Born on January 1, 1733
Died on April 10, 1819 (aged 86)
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David Ogilvy, 9th Earl of Airlie

First Name David
Last Name Airlie
Born on December 16, 1785
Died on August 20, 1849 (aged 63)

David Ogilvy, 9th Earl of Airlie was a British peer.

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James Ogilvy, 4th Lord Ogilvy of Airlie

First Name James
Last Name Airlie
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Don't know him/her

James Ogilvy, 6th Lord Ogilvy of Airlie

First Name James
Last Name Airlie
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Don't know him/her

James Ogilvy, 3rd Lord Ogilvy of Airlie

First Name James
Last Name Airlie
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Don't know him/her

James Ogilvy, 2nd Earl of Airlie

First Name James
Last Name Airlie
Died on January 1, 1703
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Don't know him/her

James Ogilvy, 1st Earl of Airlie

First Name James
Last Name Airlie
Died on November 30, 1665

James Ogilvy, 1st Earl of Airlie was a Scottish royalist of the Wars of the Three Kingdoms.

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Sir John Ogilvy, 2nd Lord Ogilvy of Airlie

First Name Sir
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Don't know him/her
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