List of Famous people with last name Abbas

Mahmoud Abbas

محمود رضا عباس
First Name Mahmoud
Last Name Abbas
Born on November 15, 1935 (age 88)

Mahmoud Abbas, also known by the kunya Abu Mazen, is the president of the State of Palestine and Palestinian National Authority. He has been the chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) since 11 November 2004, and Palestinian president since 15 January 2005. Abbas is a member of the Fatah party and was elected chairman of Fatah in 2009.

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Hadiya Khalaf Abbas

First Name Hadiya
Born on November 30, 1957
Died on November 13, 2021 (aged 63)

Hadiya Khalaf Abbas is a Syrian politician who served as the Speaker of the People's Council of Syria from June 2016 to July 2017. She is the only woman to have held the post.

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Mansour Abbas

First Name Mansour
Last Name Abbas
Born on April 22, 1974 (age 50)

Mansour Abbas is an Israeli Arab politician. The leader of the United Arab List (Ra'am), he is currently a member of the Knesset for the party and the Joint List.

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Zara Noor Abbas

First Name Zara
Last Name Abbas
Born in Pakistan, Sindh

Zara Noor Abbas, also known by her married name Zara Noor Abbas Siddiqui, is a Pakistani actress. She is best known for her role as Arsala in Momina Duraid's Khamoshi (2017), and has also acted in serials Dharkan (2016), Lamhay (2018), Qaid (2018), Deewar-e-Shab (2019) and Ehd-e-Wafa (2019). She made her film debut with Wajahat Rauf's Chhalawa (2019) and later appeared in Asim Raza's Parey Hut Luv in the same year.

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Mohammad Abbas

First Name Mohammad
Last Name Abbas
Born on March 10, 1990 (age 34)
Born in Pakistan, Punjab

Mohammad Abbas is a Pakistani international cricketer who plays for Pakistan national cricket team and for Khan Research Laboratories domestically. In January 2018, he was signed by Leicestershire County Cricket Club to play in the 2018 County Championship in England.

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Asma Abbas

First Name Asma
Born on August 15, 1958 (age 65)
Born in Pakistan, Sindh

Asma Abbas is a Pakistani actress, producer, singer and host known for her supporting roles in Urdu films and television. She played a role of Bhola's mother in 2018 acclaim serial Ranjha Ranjha Kardi. She hosted celebrity talkshow Awaz Day Kahan Hai on ATV.

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Hisham Abbas

First Name Hisham
Last Name Abbas
Born on September 13, 1963 (age 60)

Mohammad Hisham Mahmoud Mohammad Abbas, commonly known as just Hisham Abbas [heˈʃæːm ʕæbˈbæːs], is an Egyptian pop singer best known for his hit song "Habibi Dah " and his religious song "Asmaa Allah al-husna".

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Farhat Abbas

First Name Farhat
Last Name Abbas
Born on April 25, 1975 (age 49)

Farhat Abbas is an Indonesian lawyer who is known for representing celebrities such as Ahmad Dhani, Soimah and Caisar.

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Mamdouh Abbas

First Name Mamdouh
Last Name Abbas
Born on January 1, 1946 (age 78)

Mamdouh Abbas is an Egyptian businessman. He was appointed the Zamalek chairman twice. His first appointment stretched from 2006 to 2008. He returned to the position for the second time when he was elected president of the club in May 2009. He resigned from Zamalek in early November over a contract dispute. He managed a wide range of business companies in which their capital ranged between 80 and US$200 million.

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Yasser Abbas

First Name Yasser
Last Name Abbas
Born on February 8, 1962 (age 62)

Yasser Abbas is a multi-millionaire Palestinian-Canadian businessman, and the son of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. His conspicuous wealth has caused controversy in the Palestinian Territories.

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